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Take a Peek into Our Famous & Secret East Side Food Tour

For those that have been on our Famous & Secret East Side Tour, this is going to look mouthwateringly familiar. We started this tour a few years ago, and because of its off-the-beaten-path nature, it is becoming increasingly more popular, especially with folks that have been on our other tour (First Squares). This is our take on some of the beautiful and delicious food that you can expect when you take a Savannah Taste Food Tour. After all, we are professional. Hope you enjoy the photos, and don’t forget to tag yours with #SavannahTaste. We love sharing your creations on FacebookTwitterInstagram and Pinterest!

You’ll start your Famous & Secret East Side Food Tour in the oldest butcher shop in Savannah, but it hardly looks that part. That’s because this location was built in 2015, and it blends almost 100 years of tradition into those stylish new digs.

You’ll be glad that we showed you were this hidden gem is located. It’s a place that many of our guests go back to time and time again–that is, as long as supplies last.

This baby rarely needs an introduction. The Conquistador will have you wanting to shout out the Zunzi’s slogan for all to hear after that first bite. That sauce is amazing!

It may not look like your Momma’s Pimento cream cheese, but it is surely going to be your favorite from here on out. (Sorry to Momma).

Is there a better waffle on the planet? Maybe, but not in Savannah that’s for sure. And you can’t beat that view of The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist.

Thanks for reading and viewing, and please share your own foodie photos with us on social media.