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First Book Signing Tomorrow!


Tomorrow will be our first official book signing for our new (and first!) book, Savannah Food: A Delicious History. We’ll be at E. Shaver Booksellers at 326 Bull Street from 1pm to 3pm to talk about our book, answer questions, and sign your copies, so come say hi!

Those of you who have visited E. Shaver’s know that this independent bookstore is chockfull of charm. This Savannah landmark has been around since 1975, supporting local and traveling authors through signings, events, and being a stalwart for authors through all the big changes that have happened in the publishing industry over the last 40+ years.

The residential home-turned-bookstore sits on Madison Square and shares the space with The Savannah Tea Room, where you can buy loose leaf teas or sip on a cup in their cozy corner or while you browse books. The small space has a maze-like setup connecting a handful of rooms, and they specialize in books on regional topics including history, gardening, and architecture. Be sure to peruse their collection of antique maps between bookshelves when you come in! We recommend lunch or an early dinner after the signing at Gryphon Tea Room, Mirabelle Cafe (one of our tasty partner stops) or The Public Kitchen & Bar—all within a few blocks of E. Shaver.

Our other book signing this month takes place on Mother’s Day weekend. Saturday, May 13 from 2pm to 4pm we will be at Barnes & Noble in the Oglethorpe Mall (address 7804 Abercorn Extension). Bring your mom and any questions you have about Savannah’s foodie history!

We are so thankful that these bookstores will be hosting us this month, and we keep pinching ourselves to make sure this whole book thing is real. The outpouring of support has been incredible, and we truly appreciate everyone who has purchased a copy, wished us well, and of course, those who come out to one of our book signings this month.

Please share our book signing events on Facebook (E. Shaver here and Barnes & Noble here).

Have a Savannah food or history related question for us? Ask us over on our Facebook page!